The question now is, are the Canadians ready to tell not only the F LDS Church they are criminals for practicing their religion, but so are the Jews and the Muslims who practice their religion, and that they too are now criminals?
Persecution for the Jews of Canada would be nothing new, but the approximately 1 million Muslims of Canada might not be as prepared for the kind of treatment metered out to the Jews and the F LDS Church. They need to prepare.
In the past, they relied on the Charter of Rights to protect their religious practices and those days are now numbered as the persecutors of the F LDS Church are preparing to scrap the Charter to eradicate the Mormons from their midst, just as the State of Texas dumped both the State and U.S. Constitution to eliminate their Mormon "Problem" by their chief bigot, Harvey Hilderbran.
Do Muslims feel the Charter of Rights "Protects" them? If they do, then they had better think again. If Dapne Bramham of the Vancouver Sun has her way, she'll eliminate every male from a Muslim family as fast as she'll eliminate every male
F LDS Church member from theirs. It appears Daphne has a "Thing" about males, and she is dead determined to burn not only her bra, but every other Canadian woman's as well. Then we have the booksellers and the haters, who simply don't like it when other folks don't worship as they do.
These were the figures in 2000 concerning Canada's Muslim population:
Province | Muslims |
352,530 | |
108,620 | |
56,220 | |
49,040 | |
5,095 | |
3,545 | |
2,230 | |
1,275 | |
630 | |
195 | |
180 | |
60 | |
30 | |
579,640 |
Now most certainly not ALL of these Muslims practice polygamy, but that really does not matter in this case. Let us NOT FORGET; not ALL F LDS Church members practice polygamy either, but that hasn't stopped the bigots and haters from going after every single one of them: Man, woman and child, right down to a baby in the womb.
In WRITTEN pieces in her paper, Ms. Bramham has said that if the Charter of Rights is upheld in this case, then it is time to ignore the Canadian Constitution. That kind of bigotry and persecution is PRECISELY what has occurred in Texas over the past 6 years since the Mormons arrived in Texas.
The only question is; are the Canadians going to allow it to be repeated in their Courts of Law, and are the Muslims going to be the next Mormons in the bullseye.